VIP Medical Services

Bravamed International is a leading medical tourism company, offering a large variety of high end services to patients in need. We specialize in providing quality medical care in Austria, Germany, and Israel along with custom fitted recuperation and tourism packages, to patients from across the globe.

      Our Mission

To provide patients and organizations located in countries where medical care is either too costly or is of low medical standards with a choice of cost effective, highly personalized, world-class medical alternatives and recuperation packages.

      Our Vision

To allow our patients access to the best medical care around the world, maintaining a professional, reliable and compassionate approach.
We wish to become leaders in the international health-care industry by striving to find innovative ways to allow a growing number of patients to receive the medical treatment they deserve.

     Our Values

Quality of service
The quality of service we provide to our patients and partners is of absolute importance to us.

We are committed to our mission, patients and partners. We will always do our very best for our patients and partners in the most safe, effective and professional manner.

We handle ourselves truthfully and honestly.

Fair partnership
We believe in fair trade. We always imply true win-win models with our partners and build long term relationships.

We will constantly look for ways to improve our patients and partners options, and offer the  state of the art technology, systems and treatments.

Bravamed International is a leading medical tourism company, offering a large variety of high end services to patients in need. We specialize in providing quality medical care in Austria, Germany, and Israel along with custom fitted recuperation and tourism packages, to patients from across the globe.

Copyright Bravamed© 2012